
How’s it going, Challengers? Another great month of Weekend Rumbles, seasoned with Guns of Boom Classic 24.0, just swooshed over our heads, and, as usual, we’ve collected some interesting data from the tournaments that took place in May: top teams in their regions, the most used weapons, the most powerful players, popular perks, and so on – all you need to know to make data-driven decisions on your tactics and loadouts for upcoming tournaments! See the stats below.

Curious about the tournaments but don’t know where to start? We have this nice step-by-step guide that will get you on your way to your Weekend Rumble victories.

You’ve read the guide but still in need of strong buddies to play with? An excellent place to find teammates is our Discord – chat away!

And if you’re ready to fight, sign up for the next tournament. We can’t wait to see you on the battlefield!

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