The game is over 2 years old, and in this time we’ve done a lot of visual adjustments. We’ve tweaked costumes, maps, character models and, of course, weapons. Today we want to tell you how we worked on improving everyone’s favorite weapons, making them prettier, and more player-friendly.
Destroyer and Juggernaut
Our fans have been asking us to rework the sights on these two guns for a while now. We knew how much you all loved Jugg and Destroyer, so we had to get the remodeling right on the first try. Here's the result: new textures, shaders, highly detailed models, and of course new sights. We believe these changes will enhance and improve your gameplay experience even further!
Hey, guys! In the upcoming update 8.0 among other cool stuff, we'll improve the looks and crosshairs of two guns: Juggernaut and Destroyer. Check out our comparison video below to find out what we've improved and tell us what you think! #gunsofboom
— Guns of Boom (@gunsofboom) June 25, 2019
Want to know how we do our magic? Here’s a glimpse into a WIP on several of the guns. Keep in mind, that these are only some of the sketches – dozens more went into the shredder.

Anaconda, Liquidator, Annihilator
These eliminating machines got a makeover a little earlier. Anaconda was the only one to get a new sight, however, all of them got new detailed models, new textures and improved animations. Check out how different the updated versions look from the old ones.
Folks, in the upcoming update 7.0 among other cool stuff, we'll be improving the looks and animation of three guns: Liquidator, Annihilator and Anaconda. Check out our comparison video below to find out what we've improved and tell us what you think! #gunsofboom
— Guns of Boom (@gunsofboom) May 15, 2019
Once again, here are some sketches to give you a taste of the huge creative process behind these seemingly light changes.
This was a big chunk of work, but we pulled it off! The graphical changes on this baby were truly major: new model, new effects, new sights, new everything! Here’s a sneak peek at how we worked on it.
The Roots
Finally, we come to where all this remodeling started. The first impression is the most important one, so when we decided to rework some of the visuals, we began with the basic weapons: Legend assault rifle, Hans machine gun, Chance pistol, Veteran sniper rifle, and Slayer knife. Here are some sketches of your old friends with modern looks.
That’s it for today, but don’t go far: there will be more neat changes in the game, and in the guns specifically. We’ll keep up the hard work to make your Guns of Boom experience as immersive and exciting as possible!