
Season 15 is here, and it’s an instant classic – a season completely dedicated to the magic of making movies. Take a peek behind the silver screen and learn the ropes of shooting… feature films!

Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect in the 40 days of the season.

Award-Winning Costumes

There are 2 main characters we want you to meet this season, and it’s hard to say which of them is odder. Ok, it’s not hard - it’s TV Man. This dude was once good friends with Party Crab: together, they organized all sorts of parties. Once he was handling a movie night and accidentally watched too many bad action movies at once. This changed him forever, and he decided to shoot the best action movie ever. Thinking outside the box, he decided that in order to shoot a movie, you need to think like a movie or even become a movie. So yeah, he may look extravagant, but that’s what drives his creativity.

The other person of interest is the slick and beautiful Mocap. Prior to working in the movies, she was a “problem solver” for a big corporation, dealing with all sorts of bad guys around the world. However, this line of work was too stressful and dangerous, and she decided to find a more creative application for her talents. The shooting of the best blockbuster action movie was the perfect opportunity, and she nailed the audition when she effortlessly jumped out of a burning car in mid-air and walked away from an explosion like a real pro.

Iconic Emotes

Movie sets are tense – sometimes more so than gunfights – especially with lots of short-tempered creative people being all in one place. That explains why the Honest Feedback emote is so expressive. After all, it’s hard to stay calm when everybody around you is doing whatever, except what they’re supposed to – right?

However, there are always stagehands who keep their cool despite all the chaos happening around them. They’re just doing their job and making sure things run as smoothly as possible in the given circumstances. The Clapper emote is a great example of this composure. “Scene one. Take one.”

Battle Fairs

In Season 15, Battle Cases will take a well-deserved rest, and Battle Fairs will take the stage instead. Use your Battle Coins at one of the 8 available fairs to get weapon and equipment fragments along with other goodies. More info soon!

Hit Brawls

There will be a number of brawls to keep you extra entertained on the weekends. You can expect all sorts of genres to choose from. So put on your best acting face and become the star of each one! All the rules along with some useful tips are available in our The Complete Brawler’s Guide.

Big Budget Props

Acting is important, but so is having top-notch props on the set. This time, we’ve prepared a bunch of awesome masks, insignias, and weapon skins.

Some of the highlights include the silver skin for the Reaper shotgun and the golden one for the Zeus machine gun. These beauties are simply made to shine in the top-grossing films (including your elimination movies) of 2020.

Elite Battle Career

Being good at what you do doesn’t always guarantee world fame and countless riches. However, there’s a workaround – Elite Career! Sing up for it, and every step you make towards your star on the boulevard will yield much better rewards than for others. Having such a boost is a great help along the way to becoming the best! Another thing that can help you reach the top – the Daily Marathon. Visit it every day, and advance faster in your Battle Career!

Looks like that’s all for today. Thanks for pulling through and reading till the end. It’s a wrap!

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