Our fans are creative and their design talents span far beyond pen and paper. We’ve seen gunslingers make artworks and music, craft wooden knives, and clay character miniatures. Today we want to show you the works of Nikita Solovey – a dedicated Gods of Boom fan from Russia – who is also using clay to sculpt his works.
Nikita: I first learned about GoB through my friends. I started playing in the beginning of 2018, and it’s been over 2 years now. Making miniatures has been a hobby of mine ever since I was a child. Soon after I got into Gods of Boom, I decided to try and sculpt the weapons from the game. So here we are!
Take a look at the models he posted on the game’s official page in VK:
Very detailed miniatures and the colors are just right. Kudos on a job well-done! We've sent you 1000 fragments of Chopper for your dedicated work.
We wonder if these guns would fit well with the character models from Pavel Osipyan. That would be like the most epic clay tribute to the game!
If you have some artworks you wish to share with us and the game community, don’t hesitate to show them – we’ll highlight the best ones on our website and social media!