We love our community – it’s the real backbone of Gods of Boom. We often hold contests that bring out the endless creativity of our fans, but sometimes true gems are hidden in plain sight. This is a story about one of these gems.
Gods of Boom has loyal fans in many countries around the world, and today’s hero, Pavel Osipyan, is from Russia. Let’s give him the floor.
Pavel: My friend introduced me to Gods of Boom over two years ago, and I instantly fell in love with the game and its unique style. During the Season 12 art contest on the Russian social network VK, I saw a link to an album with all the contest entries, and the album description said that all works were welcome anytime. I was hugely disappointed to see that there were very few submissions after the contest ended, so I decided to add some of my own. I don’t draw too well, but I sculpt with clay, so I thought – what da heck!
Take a look at the current collection Pavel has submitted to the official GoB page:

Pavel, you da man! These works are just great, very detailed, and look like they came straight out of the game. We’re incredibly fortunate to have fans like you.
We’re sure there’re more skilled gunslingers out there who make all sorts of fan-art, so if you’re one of them – do show your work, and we’ll gladly feature the best examples!