Last year we had the Showdown event with Free-for-All fun on the improvised movie set. Bastion, the assault rifle which was the debutante in the game at the time, instantly got community-wide recognition, mostly praised for its outstanding supporting role. Let’s take a closer look at what this weapon has to offer.
- Under Barrel Grenade Launcher – an active ability with a cooldown period, that allows you to launch explosive rounds.
- The launched projectiles have the following stats: up to 2500 points in damage depending on the grade, maximum firing range of 20 meters, blast radius of 2 meters with the biggest damage inflicted at the epicenter. The number of explosive rounds is not limited, but the cooldown period between shots is 20 seconds.
- Bastion has a simple muzzle-sight, high rate of fire, slightly slower than average reload, and it fires in bursts of 3 rounds.
- Heavy recoil makes the gun a little challenging to use.
- When fully upgraded, it can compete with Odin in terms of damage – damage per shot is among the highest for assault rifles, up to 455 points.
- Can be effective against groups of enemies, which makes it a good support weapon.
- The AR unlocks at level 16 for 1000 fragments and can be upgraded three times at levels 22/28/34 for 300/500/1000 fragments, respectively.
So there you have it. An effective yet well-balanced gun, that is admittedly hard to tame. Definitely, a gun that encourages skilled gameplay. The 2nd stage of Battle Fair with this baby will be available until the end of the Season.