
Welcome back to Gear Recon, a one-week mini-event that will help you revamp your wardrobe with themed cosmetics! Get 5 masks and 5 costumes free just by playing the game and completing challenges. 

This time, we’re offering a bunch of rugged yet trustworthy items that’ll serve equally well in the scorched desert sands and the snow-covered mountain peaks. So join the party and start expanding your stock of stylish outfits!


During the Gear Recon event, every day you will get a free mask, and 4 challenges to complete. Some challenges are simpler and can be completed single-handedly, some are more difficult and will require working as a team.


At the start of every day, you get a mask that’s yours to keep, but if you complete all 4 daily event challenges, you get a full-body costume to match that mask. Here’s the list of all the masks + costumes you can get at the event:

NOTE: If you win fragments of an item you already own, they will be converted to scraps. You can use scraps to purchase rare items or upgrade some of your costumes.


Completing all 4 daily challenges gives you a costume; however, you get rewards even if you complete only some of the missions. After completing an event challenge, you will get a case with 10 fragments of a random weapon. So make sure to take part in the event even if you don’t plan on getting all the cosmetics – you’ll boost your Arsenal along the way! 

That’s the gist of it. For more info, simply launch the game and open the event tab – all the details will be there. So play every day, and don’t miss out on a chance to enhance your cosmetic collection!

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