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We’ve reworked the Friends tab in the main menu and added handy lists. Now, you can see your friends, players you recently played with, friend requests, and even blocked players at a glance. Also, your friends in the game and friends from social networks are now on the same list - it’s much simpler!


  • The end-of-battle stats screen now displays correctly
  • Battle duration now displays correctly
  • Fixed the bug which prevented players from buying female masks and costumes for scraps
  • New Battle Career rank window will not appear above the fair window
  • The background on the Clash tab now displays correctly on iPhone 11
  • Fixed the issue which didn’t let the player leave the group after pressing “To Lobby” button after the battle
  • Fixed the progress bar animation for rating and experience gained through watching an ad
  • Fixed the color of the Snowboarder mask
  • The Farseer mask now looks fine when equipped
  • Fixed the display of Field Medic and Baseball Cap masks
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