
Recently we’ve rolled out the Specializations mechanic that allows you to create special loadouts based on three general specializations: Assault, Sniper, and Support. You can read about Specializations here. One of the things that make our new gameplay so exciting and unique is perks.

Weapons and equipment have been around since day one of Gods of Boom and everyone knows how to use them. Perks, on the other hand, are something completely new. Let’s take a look at what they do, how you make use of them, and where you get new ones!



What are perks?

Perks are special performance boosts used in your loadout. They affect the way you behave in the game in many different ways: some allow you to deal more damage, others give you additional mobility, or provide more safety in certain situations.

Perks are specialization specific. This means, that the perks used for Assault can not be applied to Sniper or Support loadouts. This limitation is designed to balance out the specializations and make them more distinct.

There are dozens of different perks for each specialization (see full list below), yet each loadout you create can only use 4 perks at a time. So, finding the perfect perk combo that fits your play style and your arsenal items is a key part of enjoying specializations.

Another important thing - perks consist of fragments. You initially need only 1 fragment to unlock a perk, but you’ll need more and more additional fragments of the same perk to further upgrade it.


Where can I get perks?

Before you start making OP combos, you need to get a hold of some perks. You can get perks from Perk Cases. How do you get those?

  1. Complete Daily Quests

  2. Level up

  3. Purchase at the store

  4. Get as a reward in Battle Career (in future seasons)

Let’s take a closer look at Perk Cases. These can either correspond to the three Specializations or be random. Specialized cases include Sniper, Assault, and Support Cases. Random ones include Regular and Epic Cases. So, if you’re looking to boost one certain specialization, it’s wiser to get some cases of that specialization, but if you’re just exploring your options and discovering the diversity of perks in the new meta - get a bunch of Regular or Epic Cases!

We’ve sent some free cases to each player, so you can start collecting perks right away. The number of cases you got depends on your level. The higher up you are - the more cases you got.


Using and upgrading perks

So, you’ve opened the cases in your arsenal and got a bunch of different perks for different specializations. Chances are, you got some perk more than once. You can tell that you got a duplicate because it’ll have a number like 2/1 underneath it instead of the word “Collected”. That’s great: it means you have additional perk fragments that you can use for upgrading!

First of all, open your loadout screen by pressing the button with the three lines next to the Arsenal button. Select a specialization you wish to use, and press on an empty perk slot at the lower left-hand corner of the screen. 

You’ll see a perk window: on the left, you have the perks themselves, and on the right - their descriptions. Greyed-out perks are unavailable to you because you haven’t found them yet. When you select an available perk, you can either equip it to your loadout or upgrade it (if you have the required fragments and gunbucks). Upgrading a perk increases its efficiency and a fully-upgraded perk is much more powerful than its basic version. See the exact stats below.

Keep in mind, that perk fragments are required for upgrades. So, if you want to upgrade your “Break a leg” perk for the Assault, you’ll need “Break a leg” fragments. And the higher your perk level is, the more fragments the next upgrade will require. Your perk fragments are shown under the perk’s icon. So, if the number says 10/3, this means you have 10 fragments in your inventory and need 3 for the next upgrade.

It’s not that easy to max out even a single perk. However, if you do have a perk at a maximum level and keep getting fragments of this perk, there’s nothing you can do with them at the moment.

All perk grades

Here are the grade tables with perks for each specialization. Just tap the spoiler under perk’s description to see its grades. You can see how upgrading them increases their efficiency. Actually, it’s a good idea to study these tables carefully - it can help you come up with a perk combo, and you’ll know what you need in the future.


The name is kind of self-explanatory. Assault players are the boots on the ground that deal close-range damage and usually define the frontline of the battle. They’re the backbone of any attack or defense. Assault's perks are used for controlling battle as much as you can: pace, healing, and damage dealing. 

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If you’ve got steady hands, sharp eyes and can keep your cool, this might be a specialization for you. Snipers prefer to keep their distance from the action, but they do some of the most important work with their perfect aim shots and sneaky plays. Their perks help to move fast and shoot sharp. 

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Like the mid-range and don’t like committing too much with a shotgun in your hands? You’re the perfect Support material - get a big gun, take up position behind your Assault teammates, and start spraying lead left and right! This is by far the most trigger-happy specialization out of all three. А lot of perks focus on consumables, powering them up.

Grades here

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If you like to eliminate your enemies from afar, but also don’t mind being up close and personal with your opponents from time to time, Recon is your spec of choice. The weapon selection is designed in a way to suit both long-range and close-range combat.

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That’s it for today. Open perk crates, check out the available options, and start upgrading the perks you enjoyed playing with!

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